So, I'm not very good at keeping up with my own blog, but today I will try to a little. This summer has been great here in New England, maybe to much rain but a lot of fun enjoying all the parks and beaches. Silas is learning and saying so much lately. Some of his new and old words are ride, road, animals, man, slide, swing, sand, Bible, Jesus, I love you, umm(this one is funny and makes me think if I use it a lot), well pretty much anything you say he tries to repeat and he can put words together. Here are some pictures of some of the things we have been doing this summer. I still haven't figured out how to add a picture with the heading on top:) One day I might just figure it out but until then sorry about the random pictures. Some captions that were going to go along with the pictures were: Watch Hill beach in RI, Silas playing with seaweed, Picking blueberries with our dear friend Rachel, Silas takes his cars everywhere with him, Silas using the kitchen cabinets as a playhouse.
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
4 weeks ago
yay melissa i love your pictures. i can show you how to do the picture heading thing if you want??
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